Saturday, April 16, 2011

Istanbul, day 1 and mail art #110

 This is the first mail art that I made in Istanbul.  You can see that I was able to glean materials right away that set this in place, Istanbul, Turkish language, all there.

 My mail art making stuff! Since we were in an apartment, I was able to set out my tools and my gleaned materials.
 We had the use of a wonderful apartment, given to us by N & J's friends, who live in London, and whom we got to spend a couple nights with while there. The apartment was up high, so there was a view of a slice of the Bosphorus and the other side of the Golden Horn.
 Here's the stair case we had to go up and down, six flights. We were very proud of ourselves, we did it twice a day. Okay, so we had to stop a couple times and let out hearts calm down and our breathing become regular, but it wasn't too bad.
 The view looking down the street, down, as in down hill. See the bit of red canopy on the left there? That's a grocery store and just beyond it are steps going down DOWN leading to a street and goes DOWN and when you get to the bottom, you're nearly to the Istanbul Modern Museum of Art. After that, you have walk UP, that is until you figure out how to take the funicular up, which one does, rather quickly.
 View from the bathroom window.  You can see a sliver of the water, and the minarets behind the chimneys on the left.
View from the dining room window. In the distance, is the other side of the body of water known as The Golden Horn. More on bodies of water later.

We still can't believe we were in Istanbul. Amazing.

1 comment:

Beanie Mouse said...

Oh how FAB!!!! Major exercise though.... I doubt you'll be needing a lecture from your doctors any time soon!!!!!

How did I get into this?

I was asked when I started doing Mailart. Good question. Like many artists, I was making and mailing art without even knowing it had a name ...