Sunday, January 25, 2009


Yesterday I posted one of the items I received from Andrea of Found-Art. It's her weather gram 28. I hope someone finds it and makes an entry for it. The shelf had on it only the two little stones I'd placed there the other day and a postcard on the pole. As I was walking away, I saw a neighbor and we started talking about the shelf history. She thinks she might have a photo of it that she took before my first post (29 March 2007.) It turns out that she's been caring for the shelf, too, and photographing it. She placed the post card, one of several she's posted, from the Tate Museum in London. We both agreed that this shelf was a bright spot in our lives. She was happy to learn that people in other places commented on it, too.

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How did I get into this?

I was asked when I started doing Mailart. Good question. Like many artists, I was making and mailing art without even knowing it had a name ...