Friday, May 09, 2008

Life in New Jersey

Tonight, I cooked up a bunch of veggies with garlic and Italian seasonings, and some cheese ravioli, which Ron added sauce to, and with a salad, this made an okay dinner. Ryan had to eat something else because he's allergic to eggs (the ravioli had eggs in them,waaa,)

Ryan was happy cleaning out the bowl we used to make vegan cupcakes from the great little vegan cupcake recipe book.
This is an excellent cookbook even if you aren't a vegan. You can see the cupcakes on Ryan's Vox blog. He took photos and wrote his blog himself. He's 7! Check it out.

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How did I get into this?

I was asked when I started doing Mailart. Good question. Like many artists, I was making and mailing art without even knowing it had a name ...