Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Bead Store

I was looking for a bead store recommended by Andrea but it was gone from the location she gave me, instead we found this fabulous shop. The first visit was so overwhelming that we left without buying a bead or taking a photograph. We just went from section to section exclaiming at how beautiful the beads were and the presentation. We went back and bought some lapis beads and took a lot of photos. I'll put up a few of them just to give you an idea of what we experienced. There was a section or more for each color, plus pearl, gray, ethnic, lapis, and more. They have all the supplies and books, and ribbons and more. It's amazingly beautiful. The shop is called Tout a Loisirs.

1 comment:

mercedes said...

Hi Mim,

I'm finally getting around to visiting your blogspot and was enamoured with your pics of the bead store. How incredibly lucky of you to find such a neat little bead store. Had I been there alone (sans hubby) I might have spent the whole morning there. We have many lovely little bead shops here too but these pics you posted make me want to hop the next plane to Paris just to visit this store. You lucky girl!!

How did I get into this?

I was asked when I started doing Mailart. Good question. Like many artists, I was making and mailing art without even knowing it had a name ...